Why is this Chemistry a better Disinfectant?

There are several significant distinctions between Nanopure and traditional sanitizers/disinfectants like chlorine bleach, Quats (quaternary ammonium compounds), and other harsh chemicals, not the least of which is its efficacy and cost efficiency. This unique chemistry is less hazardous and suitable for everyday usage while still being effective in killing harmful microorganisms. It has been demonstrated to destroy 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, including "super bugs" like MRSA and HlNl, without causing more "super bugs" to mutate. Nanopure puts the power of sickness prevention in your hands.


Nanopure offers a long-term protective killing power in addition to the HOCL kill rate by adding a special combination of NaDCC and NanoSilver
in every Nanopure effervescence tablet.


Our Nanopure Tablet has been tested to SANS 5163 specifications and has a kill rate of 99.99% at 14 days
after applying this is due to our Quantum Nanosilver in each tablet that give a continuous kill rate.


Three years on the shelf
User-friendly and material­ and human-safe
Less corrosive and less dangerous to the environment
At a fraction of the cost of alterna­tives, it is easily carried and stored

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Nanotechnology for water purification

There are many water purifiers available in the market which use different techniques like boiling, filtration, distillation, chlorination, sedimentation, and oxidation. Currently, nanotechnology plays a vital role in water purification techniques. Nanotechnology is the process of manipulating atoms on a nanoscale.[1] In nanotechnology, nanomembranes are Read more…

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We can't wait to share this Technology with everyone,

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Unit A4 Enterprise Village, Capricorn Drive
Capricorn Park, Muizenberg

Give us a ring

Cindy Kroucamp
+27 82 780 7267
Mon - Fri - 09H00-16H00

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